Casual Sunday Code Stream - Let's Build A Better Poll Site? Next.js, TS, tRPC, Tailwind, Prisma, Vercel, Planetscale and more Follow me on Twitter Join my discord Github repo: Huge shoutout to Idez for the timestamps, actual legend 0:00 - Theo starts talking (stream starting screen ends) 2:28 - walking through project goals 3:57 - sketching out project 6:25 - using Prisma types or tRPC types? 7:23 - CSS in JS D: 8:45 - time (Setting up repo) 20:05 - Theo/Streaming/Ping tangent 24:11 - setting up git repo 26:17 - installing tailwindcss 29:16 - making a template? no 31:00 - setting up vercel 33:10 - setting up prisma 35:17 - referential integrity? who needs it (planetscale setup) 39:37 - good dbs other than planetscale 40:31 - what is prisma? 41:03 - connecting prisma + planestscale ❤️ 43:37 - prisma studio is pretty cool 44:24 - setting up prisma client 46:37 - does it work? 47:37 - setting up db connection env secret 49:57 - setting up post-install for prisma 51:17 - Cat break + deployment 52:17 - tRPC setup 1:00:00 - nextjs magic tricks 1:00:35 - example trpc setup + how trpc works 1:02:34 - trpc is rly cool 1:06:53 - making the first trpc endpoint 1:09:55 - adding superjson 1:14:13 - talking with chat + planning 1:17:05 - splitting up trpc = new endpoints 1:19:35 - adding mutation to make questions 1:21:30 - switching to varchars 1:23:58 - fe question creation time 1:25:57 - tailwind troubles 1:28:19 - back to building the ui 1:28:43 - getting the submission to work 1:30:42 - debugging creation mutation 1:32:22 - hooking up a ref 1:33:46 - fixing chat 1:34:09 - Input does disable while submitting 1:34:46 - fixing the deployment 1:39:48 - deployment is back up and running 1:40:24 - deciding what to do next 1:43:35 - getting questions by id 1:50:23 - database modeling time 1:53:25 - playing with 1:54:39 - back to schema.prisma 1:55:54 - adding options to trpc and ui 2:00:45 - wrapping up time 2:01:15 - magic with prisma 2:02:15 - sharing tsconfig 2:02:35 - can prisma only be used with node? 2:02:44 - is prisma an addon to gql? + gql on db rant 2:03:53 - next only for spa? of course! 2:04:13 - can i use prisma in js? + typescript qol++ 2:04:38 - trpc typesafety chat 2:06:35 - closing remarks